Saturday, January 29, 2011

Now That You're Not Here

It's not gonna be the same.
Now that you're gone.
You were always there for me.
Now you're nowhere to be found.
I used to know you,
Better than myself.

Now I hardly remember you.
When you'd sing me to sleep.
When you'd hold me so tight.
You're gone.
You're not there.
In yet, you are.
I just can't see you.
I can't feel you.
Because I don't know you.
Not anymore.

Where am I?
Who am I?
Will I ever find your love again?
Will I ever gain back the faith that I lost?

Oh God. Please talk to me.
I'm trying to listen.
But I've given up all hope.
I'm lost in this nightmare.
this never ending fear.

So what do I do now?
What do I do now that you're not here?
Where do I go from here?
Only time will tell.

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