Thursday, June 28, 2012

Doing Better

I'm Doing Better Today
Than I Was Yesterday.

I'm Doing Better Now,
Than I Ever Was Then.

You May Have Torn Me Down
It Only Helped Me Stand Stronger Than Before.

Now I Need To Keep Looking Forward.
Now I Need To Keep Moving On.

Letting Go Of Everything In The Past
Holding On To Everything The Future Holds.

I'm Doing Better Today,
Than I Was Yesterday <3

Sunday, June 24, 2012

You Are, Who You Are

It's better to stand out, than to try and fit in.
Fitting in makes you something you're not.
It Changes You.
Be WHO You are
Not What EVERYONE Else Wants You To Be.

You Are You:
Beautiful, Smart, Talented, Special, Amazing.
The List Goes On and On.

Why Try To Be Something Different
Than Who You've Become Today?
Why Try To be Something You're Not
Just To Make Other's Happy?

Why Even Bother?

You Are, Who You are
And No One Has A Say In That.
Just You, And Only You.

So, All You Girls and Boys
Who Are Trying To Fit In
And Act Like You're Someone You
Truly Are Not.

Stop And Ask Yourself,
"What Will They Think If I Be Just Me?"
You Might Think They Wont Like The Real You,
And Fake It Anyway.


If You Do That, You'll Never Know
If They'll Accept You For YOU.


Try It Anyway.
What's There To Lose?
You Being Mocked And Laughed At?
Judged For Liking What You Like?

If They Can't Accept You For You,
Then They Aren't Worth Being Friends With.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I didn't go through all that I went through. How different I would be due to that. I doubt anyone would be who they are today if it weren't for what they had to overcome throughout their life, or what they will come to in their future. How we handle each situation defines who we are. Does it not? Is it simply how we overcome the obstacles in our path? Or simply how our actions take upon each decision? Or is it all just the same?