Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Dear Friend It's Been A While.

A million things come to mind. But how I say it, hardly ever comes out right.

My dear Friend it's been a while,
The last time I called to you I was just a child.
I'm not who I was then,
But an empty shell now.
Growing in a lingering pain,
Of mortal sin.

Who am I?
What am I?

But a human being,
A lost soul waiting
To be found.

My dear Friend it's been a while,
The last time I called to you I was just a child.
Scared and alone with nowhere to go,
No one to comfort me and dry my tears.
I screamed for you in question,
Wondering constantly 'why me?'

You brought me to where I am today,
Yet I find myself still in question.
Knowing you are here,
Yet questioning who you really are.

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