Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Last Day

This was the last day.
The last day of my childhood.
When I wake in the morning I'll be an adult.
Finding my place in this world.

I don't know where I'll go.
Let alone who'll I'll be.
But first things first.
I gotta get through my last year of high school.

Yes i'm grown.
I've made it this far.
I'm still learning.
I'll never be done.

Life is just beginning.
The end is still a ways yet.
So I'll focus on the now.
The present.

This is my last day as a minor.
My last day as a child.
I'm a young woman now.
Whether I want to be or not.

So here I am.
Looking at life.
On how much I've grown.
To be who I need to be.

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