Wednesday, February 9, 2011


 It was she who had saved me.
 It was she who had healed me.
 It was she who laughed with me. Cried with me. Sang with me. Played with me. Curled up beside me.
 She was always there. watching me.
 She was always there to cheer me up in ways nobody could understand.
i admired her. she had her own personality. she had her own way of things.

now she's gone. someone else is now in charge of her. is the bond we had still there? will we ever cross paths? will i ever be able to hold her again? ever be able to gain back what she took with her when we were forced apart?

no. i don't think so. but i can hope i'll see her again. i can pray to be with her again. i can wish the pain would end. but it wont. she's gone. along with the part of me she had healed. which was all of me...

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